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Wir suchen für das vielleicht schönste und gewiss analogste Kaffee Wiens professionelle Unterstützung. Denn wir haben große Pläne für unseren Palast und sind daher auf der Suche nach einer neuen motivierten Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiter, die / der idealerweise mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Gastronomie mit einer Leidenschaft für Qualität und Gästeservice verbindet.Idealerweise kannst Du mit einer Slayer Espressomaschine genauso gut umgehen wie mit einem Plattenspieler, internationalen Gästen, tanzenden Akkordeonspielerinnen und Stress, und folgende Aufgaben sollten Dir ein leichtes sein: **Servieren von Speisen und Getränken**Kassieren**Begrüßen...
CALL for ONE INSTANT production TEAM members
In our Vienna-based packfilm manufactory ONE INSTANT film editions will be produced without the need of giant machines and huge factory space, A small darkroom and a beautiful daylight assembly room will be the core of the manual production for our next generation packfilm materials. We're now hiring passionate people for our small, but oh my amazing production team. WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR- people with hand skills, attention to detail, experience in handicraft work (paper, bookbinding, wood, etc.) - and/or makers...
Introducing ONE INSTANT
Dear all, totally exhausted but incredibly happy, I herewith try to type this very last blog message, almost 3 years after my very first entry. My fingers are trembling and my head is spinning because NOW! in just ONE INSTANT I will FINALLY PUSH THE START BUTTON for not only our Kickstarter campaign but more importantly for a future of this magic material we have been so intensively fighting for all these months. Thank you so very much for...
Packfilm Countdown & Cameras
Dear patient friends,one of the main drives and energy rechargers during our super challenging and exhausting mission to SAVE PACKFILM has been the horror vision that all these legendary classic packfilm cameras will become obsolete. Thousands of beautifully crafted cameras are out there, desperately hoping for a bright future of packfilm. Many of them amongst the most professional cameras ever built, all of them design icons.With Polaroid and Fujifilm ceasing packfilm production, it is has become our RESPONSIBILTY...
Magic Words
Dear all,super busy and honestly in deep water I don't have too much time left for another blog entry that's why I decided to let someone else speak instead of me.Someone who recently sent me an amazing E-Mail out of the blue which really touched me deep inside because it describes exactly how I'm feeling the magic of packfilm - which I always have a very hard time to find the right words for. John did a great job in...
The Ultimate Test Shot
Dear all,yes, of course my poor project manager Marli, the only one who really works day and night to bring some structure and professional organization into the crazy Supersense world, was right that it is NOT a good idea to schedule the ultimate Prototype Test Video Shooting just a few days before the planned Kickstarter launch. AND to save only 2 prototypes for this Video Shooting because of using all our other prototypes for 23 ideas and things...
Celebrating the BIG SHOT with Cheyenne Morrison
Dear all,following last week's post about the magic and importance of packfilm cameras I'm more than happy to today celebrate a very special packfilm camera of no other kind: the legendary Big Shot Camera (one of its most legendary users might be Andy Warhol, who called this camera his pen and pencil and used it to create all his silk screened celebrity portraits). To support our Save Packfilm mission, Mr. Cheyenne Morrison (pictured above) - a passionate Australian instant...
Save Packfilm CAMERAS
Dear all,thinking day and night and day about all aspects and possible challenges of our save packfilm adventure, now that we finally enter the final phase, I want to remind you of a very important fact:Only if we also take care and develop clever strategies to save all these amazing packfilm cameras out there, we have a realistic chance to build a solid future for our new packfilm materials.Introduced in 1963 with the iconic model 100, the first mass...
Looking for Save Packfilm Supermodel
Dear all,with only 3 more weeks to go we're going completely crazy with fine-tuning our latest prototype, marveling at first samples of our newly developed packaging, and step by step digesting our still super long to do list for our Kickstarter adventure.Currently in the final planning stage for our emotional, blockbuster style key video we realized that weURGENTLY NEED YOU!!to show the world that this material is NOT ONLY for old guys like my boring self, still hanging on with...
Kickstarter Emergency Operation
Dear all,I quickly write this important update late at night Vienna time, super tired. The last week has been super crazy. Not only have we dived deeply into the final phase of our grande packfilm campaign - with some good progress and some medium sized disasters on a daily rollercoaster basis - but also we received a loud and urgent emergency call from our network in Vienna.Mr. Willy Kolleger, the brave last man standing still operating his amazing LINOTYPE...
Balancing the thin line
Dear all,it is a very very thin line between becoming a superhero or ending as crazy dreamer. And only the most stubborn and most passionate people with endless energy and never ending capability to stand up again and again even after being hit by the biggest catastrophes will be the ones to change the world.This is the reason why it is my true pleasure to present you my dear friends Nik and Marco. As of today, nobody knows whether...
Dear Paul
Dear PAUL,I know it will take some more days but please allow me to already send you a very warm all analog HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUG. I still can not believe that you will turn amazing 90 years on October 15th, and still rock and roll with an energy and ease that deeply impresses me every time we meet. Not only your angle hair pasta with lobster is revolutionary but also your designs and drawings for me are MIND-BLOWING...
Dear all,today was supposed to celebrate the launch of our game changing Save Packfilm Kickstarter campaign. Making our impossible dream of saving another iconic analog film material come true with the help of our global community. Once again proving that magic “digitally obsolete” products can and have to stay in production even if big boring companies can not think of a profitable business plan.BUT! After many crazy busy, super challenging weeks to prepare for this essentially important campaign...
Save Packfilm Superhero Nr. 8 :: Nafis "NITROGEN" Azad
Dear all,the celebration of the 20x24 Studio Superheroes Collective would not be complete without the introduction of the youngest member: Nafis "NITROGEN" Azad. With his impressive background (engineering degree and a master of fine arts in photography) combined with slamming next generation superpowers, he upgrades the performance of his 2 "slightly" older superhero sidekicks by several degrees (best compared to the performance change when filling your VW with finest nitrogen).Among his ever expanding and still developing superpowers, I could...
Save Packfilm Superhero Nr. 7 :: John "REVOLUTIONARY" Reuter
Dear followers,also the next superhero I am proudly introducing today is part of the amazing 20x24 studio team, in fact he was the one starting this amazing adventure:Please welcome with the mysterious superhero number 7....SUPERHERRRRRO JOOOOOOOHN "RRRRRRRREVOLUTIONARY" REUTERThis gentlemen, easily recognizable by his reduced but stylish black superhero outfit (made out of secret photochemistry resistant fabric) and his VW GTI superhero car, has a long track record of successful heroic adventures, and I will only be able to list a...
Save Packfilm Superhero Nr. 6 :: Theo "TED" McLelland
Dear all,it is my true honor to introduce one of the most powerful and most experienced SUPERHEROES of our Save Packfilm team:SUPERHERO NR. 6Theo "TED" McLelland He might be the oldest member of our league of extraordinary gentlemen, but spending two days of training and testing with him recently in Ashland, CA, I was really impressed by his extraordinary performance and energy. Ted basically replaces a whole instant film factory team leading the chemical development and production of the world's most ultimate peel...
Welcome BACK
Dear friends,more than 1 month without any update, please forgive and allow me to be completely honest - there are 2 reasons for the long silence:The first 2 weeks I was super busy traveling and breathtakingly successful visiting and convincing the last missing SUPERHEROES who are essentially and urgently needed to realize our dream of a simply perfect Kickstarter campaign!! I will proudly present them in the course of the very next days. I am delighted to inform you...
Salonorchester Alhambra :: 26 Juni 2018
Wir freuen uns das Salonorchester Alhambra abermals im Palast willkommen zu heißen! Das Salonorchester Alhambra mit Hans Daffke - das sind zwölf schmucke Herren, die sich unter Qualen in ihre Schalen gezwängt, ihr Haupthaar gestutzt und gelmanipuliert sowie den blassen Teint aufgelegt haben, um die großen Schlager der 20er und 30er Jahre in wahrhaft betörender Manier zu praktizieren.Dabei haben sie nur eine Absicht: Ihr Publikum zum Quietschen und die Tanzfläche zum Kochen zu bringen. Nach einem gefühlten Jahrhundert ohne dem Salonorchester Alhambra gibt...
VSA Kaffeehauskonzert :: Sweet Sweet Moon :: 15 March
Sweet, Sweet Moon macht Lieder, die dem Blues zuzuordnen sind und die er auf dem Klavier, der Geige und der Gitarre vorträgt. Er schreibt die Lieder vor allem in den Sommermonaten und lässt sie in der kalten Jahreszeit reifen. Bei Konzerten wird er häufig von Musiker*innen begleitet, die gut zu ihm passen. Auch beim Kaffeehauskonzert wird er vermutlich nicht gänzlich allein auftreten.Sweet Sweet Moon spielt für Menschen auf der gesamten Welt; seine Musikreisen haben ihn nach Afrika, Europa, Südamerika u.a....
In The Name of Love :: Tintype Fotoshooting
Zum Ausklang des Valentinstagsrummels und "in the name of love" laden wir mit Nassplatten-Alchemist Zoltan Janota zum Shooting mit dem/n Lieblingsmenschen.
In einer herrlich analogen und wirklich persönlichen Portraitsitzung werdet ihr mithilfe von Silber, Licht und Liebe auf Kollodium festgehalten - basierend auf einer wahrlich faszinierend Fotografietechnik aus dem Jahre 1851.
SAMSTAG, 17 Februar 2018, 13 - 17 UhrTerminvereinbarung: Aktionspreis: 99,-
Der beste Doge :: Pagets Käseandacht
Beim besten Dogen gibt es nicht nur das beste Essen der Stadt, sondern auch sensationelle SPEZIAL - EVENTS: **************************PAGETS KÄSEANDACHT ************************** Robert Paget, für viele, inklusive unserer Wenigkeiten selbst, nichts weniger als der Österreichische Käsemessias, konnte durch jahrelange gefühlvolle Reifung einer herzhaft stinkenden Vertrauensbeziehung und Übergabe eines duftenden 20x24 Polaroid Portraits dazu verführt werden, den sonst privaten, royalen, ehemaligen HorchRaum des Palastes für einen Abend in eine Duft- und Verkostungskammer für sorgsam gereifte Käsespezialitäten und Raritäten aus seinem umfangreichen...
Der beste Doge :: Tschida's Weinpredigt
Beim besten Dogen gibt es nicht nur das beste Essen der Stadt, sondern auch sensationelle SPEZIAL - EVENTS: **************************TSCHIDA'S WEINPREDIGT ************************** Oh all ihr Glaubende an die Reinheit göttlicher TropfenNormalerweise predigt er ja nur in seiner eigenen Kirche oder in sorgsamselektierten Gourmettempeln dieses PlanetenABERam Samstag, den 9ten Dezember 2017 ab 19.00 wird Hochwürden CHRISTIAN TSCHIDA zu uns, seinen ehrfürchtigen Jüngerinnen und Jünger, verzweifelt Suchende nach reinen unverfälschten, meisterhaft komponierten Aromen zärtlich zerquetschter Traubenan einem grossen Tisch inmitten desSUPERSENSE PALASTESPlatz...
VSA Kaffeehauskonzert :: Skawer :: 18 January
One guy. One guitar. That's how it started.Bei der VSA Open Stage "Michaela Singt!" beeindruckte Skawer durch seine unverkrampfte Bühnenpräsenz und seine gefühlvollen Songs ("können wir mal ein paar Tränen in der ersten Reihe haben bitte?").Skawer spielt Konzerte in ganz Wien und feiert seine Folk- und Souleinflüsse. Mal sehen, wo sie ihn hinführen - zunächst jedenfalls mal zu uns!
Donnerstag, 18. Jänner 201719.30 UhrEintritt frei!Facebook Veranstaltung
The Palace Events in November
Dear friends, we're looking forward to welcome you to our following events this upcoming month: ***VSA KAFFEEHAUSKONZERT** Alpine DwellerThursday ** 2 November ** 7.30pmThe Vienna Songwriting Association proudly presents you Alpine Dweller mit music that will widen both your heart and your brain. ***THERE IS ALWAYS TIME FOR JAZZ*** Funky EveningWednesday ** 8 November ** 7.30pmAll hips will be shaking on our Jazz-Wednesday night, because of all these songs by Prince, James Brown, Joe Zawinul, Herbie Hancock and more... Facts ***AUDIO TAPE LISTENING SESSION***with Christian StickelThursday **...
Tonband Listening Abend mit Christoph Stickel :: Star Wars
In den harten Zeiten des grausamen und anstrengenden MP3-Mono Fast-Sound "Genusses" laden wir sehr herzlich dazu ein, Musik endlich mal wieder sinnenfreudig und entschleunigt, vom ersten Knistern bis zum letzten Ton, zu hören und zu fühlen. Niemand Geringerer als der weltbekannte Mastering Engineer Christoph "The Ear" Stickel (der Mann, der beispielsweise Aufnahmen von Falco, Keith Jarrett, Luciano Pavarotti oder auch Yello gemastered hat) bringt dafür einige Schätze seiner rein analogen Arbeiten mit. Diesmal: 4. TONBAND LISTENING SESSIONDonnerstag, 9. November 201719 -...