The FOXY TWINS will serve tenderly deboned knuckle of pork in various flavors, accompanied by hand-cut cabbage variations.
Our special guest Rainer Haar will present (and teach us about) his sensational mustard creations.
Micky invited some of our winemakers from the Weinviertel to present a delicious selection of "Sturm" and "Staubiger".
Our special guest Rainer Haar will present (and teach us about) his sensational mustard creations.
Micky invited some of our winemakers from the Weinviertel to present a delicious selection of "Sturm" and "Staubiger".
- Date: Thursday, October 1st
- Start: 7pm
- Cost: 20 EUR / All You Can Eat
Please make your reservation with doc@supersense.com.
Exactly 124 years after "ZORANA", the world famous girl with a beard, Vienna and the "Prater" are ready to finally provide a real sensation to the world again: From November 25th to December 23rd the fantastic team from restaurant "taubenkobel" - Barbara Eselböck and Alain Weissgerber will perform their culinary art at the SUPERSENSE palace!
For 25 exciting days we will provide the city with a bombastic combination of unique ingredients, events and guests. During the day, with an extended selection of delicacies, punch and roasted chestnuts, in the evening with closed evening events of highest quality, for which you can start to make your reservations already now. More details shortly on zum-tauben-dogen.com and of course in our newsletters.
For 25 exciting days we will provide the city with a bombastic combination of unique ingredients, events and guests. During the day, with an extended selection of delicacies, punch and roasted chestnuts, in the evening with closed evening events of highest quality, for which you can start to make your reservations already now. More details shortly on zum-tauben-dogen.com and of course in our newsletters.
- Date: October 25th till November 23rd
- Reservations Tel: +43-2684-2297