dear friends of sensual pleasures,
just in short some information about next week's events at the Supersense Palace:
"Das Wiener Jazz Panoptikum"
(already a classic)

No need to say much more.
Except maybe that this time our new TANNOY speaker boxes will tenderly vibrate with classy jazz - just as our new Maroniofen will vibrate to the sound of deliciously roasted potatoes.
When: Thursday, 27.11.2014, from 7pm
Where: SuperSense, Prater Strasse 70, 1020 Vienna
free entry
FRIDAY, 28.11.
The first major KARAOKE EVENT at the SuperSense palace will traditionally not leave any eye or ear dry.
After several performances of more or less famous stars, it's really time now that YOU are presenting yourself as a ROCK STAR.
We promise: This time, you'll not only go home with the guaranteed headache but also with your own KARAOKE PERFORMANCE Vinyl Single!
AND !!!!!
The 10 best performances of the evening will be paid homage in our vinyl jukebox!
When: Friday, 28.11.2014, Warm Up from 4pm, closing hour 10pm
Where: SuperSense, Prater Strasse 70, 1020 Vienna
Price: 30 EUR including 2 Elevator Karaoke singles and 2 free drinks
Directors: LUKAS & DOC
SATURDAY, 29.11.
A super sensitive Tête à tea!
Eva Horvath herself will share her broad-leafed tea secrets in this workshop and sip the delicious results of her masterly infusions together with the workshop participants. The tasting of 4 very special teas and a magical glogg essence will make your nose hairs and taste buds tingle with joy.
When: Friday, 11.29.2014, starting 2:30 pm
Where: SuperSense, Prater Strasse 70, 1020 Vienna
Host: Eva Horvath
Price: EUR 15 (including a 5 EUR tea gift certificate)
Preview for december:
- Fr. 5.12. 8x10 // 20x24 Christmas Photo Studio with special guest Henny Waanders
- Sa. 6.12. Coffe and Basket
- Su. 7.12. Grande Vanillekipferl Battle in Cooperation with ViennaWürstelstand
- Mo. 8.12. KONO 35mm Film Workshop
- Fr. 12.12. PhotoLamps Workshop
- Sa. 13.12. Foxy Wine Tasting und Selfmade Xmas Tree Ball Workshop
- Su. 14.12. Silent Concert in cooperation with AAA
- Fr. 19.12. Your personal Flipbook Movie
- Sa. 20.12. Your ultimate Weihnachtspackerl
- Mo. Tu. 22/23.12. The most beautiful Xmas Vouchers and more
more details to be announced..
with pleasant anticipation